Diving is most recognized as a collegiate and Olympic sport, but young adults start their journey at the high school level. Competitive diving requires strength, agility, balance, timing, quickness, not to mention courage. In order to safely complete a dive they must execute multiple elements perfectly. If not, it is an aquatic sport with its own set of sport-specific injuries, enormously different from swimming.
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Swimming World reports on David Boudia Is Out Of Major Diving Competition for Concussion Recovery. These incidents happen at all skill levels, even National Competitions
USA Diving recently partnered with CRASHCourse by TECHAids, a culmination of more than two years of research and development and thousands of hours featuring 700+ individual's powerful and personal concussion stories. Focused on the causes, symptoms and personal suggestions after their head injury and backed by renowned and respected organizations as BIAA, NCYS, Palo Alto VA, SPICE and in collaboration with the support of USOPC’s National Governing Bodies.
Did You Know?
The average diver travels through the air from the high board at speeds of 25mph. With such forces, injuries can occur not only in the setting of a dive gone wrong but also more commonly secondary to an accumulation of exposures to repetitive forces.
Livestrong put together a list of diving statistics reporting over 10K water-related head injuries in one year. You wouldn’t call diving a contact sport, but when it comes to head injuries, divers at all skill levels are at risk.
According to Current Sports Medicine Reports, concussions occur from both direct head impact with the board and from water entry impact. One must have a high degree of suspicion for a possible head injury whenever a dive does not go as planned or any time abnormal vestibular nerve symptoms are reported.
After surveying Division 1 divers, over half reported diving-related concussions, and on average it took the athletes 23.09 days to return to practice.
Competitive divers train on average 40 hours a week with springboard divers averaging 100 to 150 hours per week.
Dives per day and platform divers averaging 50 to 100 dives per day. The high number of exposures places the diver at risk for multiple individual injury opportunities.
32% of injured male divers and 16.2% of injured female divers got hurt when they made contact with the water, according to a June 2020 study in The Sport Journal
Divers can strike the board or platform in midair and cause a concussion, laceration, contusion, or fracture.
Does your pool have a bubbler? If not, then compressed air bubbles will not help your athletes detect the surface from the bottom of the pool. Thus, The Scotsman reports, putting you at greater risk for head injury by hitting the bottom at high velocity.
It is for these reasons we invented the revolutionary new Hammer Head® that raises the bar and takes swimming caps to a whole new level. With its patented cushion inside the cap, three cap sizes combined with the durable seamless design make it 50% safer and 100% more durable than flimsy latex or silicone caps.
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